Besides monthly meetings which include interesting programs and presentations, our branch holds several events
September 7, 2023, Light Supper Get Together. 6:30 PM McCord Gallery
For our first meeting of the season a few years back, we all wore sashes commemorating Women gaining the right to vote 100 years earlier
October Meeting Domestic Violence Prevention 7 pm McCord Gallery
October 28, 2023 5th. Grade Girls STEM Conference. MVCC. Details to follow
November 10, 2023, Holiday Auction – Doors Open at 6:30 pm All Saints Lutheran Church 13350 S. LaGrange Road, Orland Park, IL
This basket auction is the branch’s major fundraiser of the year. Donations go to the AAUW Funds for National Scholarships and to the MVCC Foundation to assist women over age 40 to attend college locally (see the scholarship page). Bidding begins promptly at 7 pm. Come ahead of time to view the new and gently used auction items. There is plenty to eat and plenty to drink! Bring friends and make a night of it!
December 7, 2023 Holiday Party 1-4 pm D. Kocim’s 16801 Blackfoot Drive, Lockport, IL
February 1, 2024. ZOOM MEETING – Speaker- Rachel Lyons, on Pretrial Fairness Act ( no need to drive at night on icy roads in the dead of winter)
March 4, 2024, evening, @ MVCC. YOU BE THE CHEMIST Junior High School competition MVCC
March 7, 2024 Cultural Sharing Dinner. p.m McCord Gallery. $
April 4, 2024. 7 pm. McCord Gallery. Guest Speaker Sharmili Majmudar. “Gender and Pay Equity in the Workplace”
May ( date and time TBD) Annual Banquet $
Math/Science Conference

Mary Schoenheider (left)
For the 12th year, 5th. Grade girls from the local junior high schools are invited to attend a conference on STEM careers, with a headline speaker and numerous breakout groups discussion such topics as Engineering, Pharmacy, Computer and Graphic design, Accountancy and many more paths to a STEM related future for our attendees. Organized by Mary Schoenheider , financed by the Chemical Industry Council of Illinois and the Illinois Chemical Education Foundation, and sponsored by MVCC, this event has been a success thanks to all the contributors and our many volunteers.______________________________________________________________________
You Be the Chemist Challenge
POAB will host its fifth You Be The Chemist Challenge in March at Moraine Valley Community College. The Challenge is designed to educate middle school students about important chemistry concepts, historical discoveries and laboratory safety. The Chemical Education Foundation creates the study materials and develops the questions for the event. Chicago Drug & Chemical Association provides the funding for supplies and prizes. POAB members are the volunteers who run the event. Information on how to participate will be available through middle school Science teachers.
We need about 15 adult volunteers to make the Challenge run smoothly. Report time is 4:30pm on March 5. This is a great community outreach event. Please contact Mary Schoenheider to volunteer. You can email her at or call her at 815-723-8819.
Equal Pay Day
In 2019, on April 10th (we’ve lost some ground on this issue- last year it was on April 4th !), we’ll be working with Moraine Valley Community College to present information on the issue of pay equality and to distribute handouts and PayDay candy bars to promote community college student’s awareness of the need to improve awareness abut the issue.