October 28, 2023- approximately 8 am – 1 pm MVCC
The 15 th Annual Girls+ Math+Science = Success Conference SUBJECT TO COVID PRECAUTIONS, THIS EVENT on 2021. Was CANCELLED Previously: THE 12TH ANNUAL “GIRLS+MATH+SCIENCE=SUCCESS” CONFERENCE – OCTOBER 6,2018 The Math/Science Conference for 5th Grade Girls was held on Saturday morning October 6th at Moraine Valley Community College. Girls and parents from the southwest suburbs heard from women with careers in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields. After a key note address the girls attended small group presentations while parents were given tips on how to help their daughters explore STEM options. If you are the parent of a 5th grade girl and wish to participate in the future contact Mary Schoenheider at mathkatt@sbcglobal.net. Spaces are limited so contact us soon. FYI -This event is organized by Mary Schoenheider (pictured left below) and financed by the Chemical Industry Council of Illinois and the Illinois Chemical Education Foundation, and sponsored by MVCC. This event has been a success thanks to all the contributors and our many volunteers