Meetings begin at 6:30pm and are open to guests.
Email the month’s hostess to inform her that you’re attending.
Hostess-Discussion Leader
March 3 MYSTERY GUEST (Nieta Prose) @ Meg Peo’s
Discussion Leader :Elaine Savage
April 7 BRIGHT YOUNG WOMEN ( by Jessica Knoll ) @Barb James’
Discussion Leader :Sharon Katterman
May 5 THE RIVER WE REMEMBER (William K.Krueger) @ Mary Schoenheider’s Discussion Leader: Janet Musil
June 2 SELECTIONS Sharon Fritz
July 7 MURDER WITH PEACOCKS (by Donna Andrews) @ Carol Henry’s
Discussion Leader : Linda Thielke
August 4 MOONFLOWER MURDERS (by A Horowitz) @ Mary Ventura’s
Discussion Leader : Kathy Horosinski